As you can see, after 18 years together, we are still two different people, two different trains of thought, two different writing styles, and two different outlooks on life and events. Be prepared for a crazy ride with this blog!
So, while Keith had some experience in sailing and vessel construction, the most I can say for myself is that I've been on a cruise ship. That's the extent on any mariner experience in my background.
While he loved hot weather, the desert, water and sky......I loved the mountains, even temperatures and huddling by campfires in the cold.
He liked drag racing (and has done it himself); I liked NASCAR (and loved to watch it!).
He likes to sing Karaoke. I am tone-deaf (Lucille Ball sang better on the "I Love Lucy" episodes than I sing). But to give myself a little credit here, I love music and I do know the lyrics to more songs than Keith does!
When we met in the Sierra Nevada mountains of California, we both had just come out of broken marriages. We both had two children (he had two sons while I had a son and a daughter). I was staying with my parents and he was staying with his mother; and both of us were at a crossroad - trying to find the right road to take that would give us some purpose in life.
Keith began driving long-haul - and living in the Sierra's became impossible for us. So, we moved to Las Vegas, Nevada. After the move, I got in the driver seat, too.
Our original plan was to make as much money as possible and buy a little ranch somewhere - complete with cows, chickens, horses, etc. Obviously, that didn't happen.
Our relationship was always in turmoil. We had disagreements, out and out arguments, and we let others influence and dictate our choices and decisions......and we spent a great deal of time separating and getting back together.
The last split-up we lasted two months. We were so miserable. Keith contemplated just "ending it all", while I contemplated just walking into the forest (I was back up in the Sierra's at the time) and not stopping until I collapsed and died.
It really was morose. So, I called him with a "deal", of sorts. We would go back team driving as driving partners (not as a couple). I was sitting on a ton of bills and no job. I could pay them off, save some money and start again - somewhere and somehow. What surprised me was that he actually agreed.
Long story short - in a small space such as a truck, we talked out our problems and ended up together once again - but this time with a goal - and this is where our bet comes in.
We decided we needed a goal. We needed something we could work toward together, do together, accomplish together. The ranch thing wasn't feasible, and we had lost interest in it, anyway.
We kicked around different idea's and narrowed it down to two; and, naturally, one idea was his, and one was mine.

Since we couldn't decide on who's idea to incorporate, we decided to compromise - and made a bet. The bet was - the first one to save their money and get their respective "mode of travel" (ie, boat or motorhome), that's what we would do. Guess who won the bet?
Okay, so I am lousy at saving money - and I still had my debts to pay off (which I did); but, also, as time went by I realized just how miserable Keith would've been traveling around in a motorhome.
After watching him for a few months eat nothing but soup and sandwiches in the truck so he could put aside every spare penny, I began using my income to supplement his savings. I bought all the essentials of living on the road while he saved for the boat. It just developed into a natural process of working together. I, also, think that because of that process, the five year saving plan was cut down to just a little under two years.
So, on our first earned two-week paid vacation together, we bought the Moonlight Sue.