04 May 2014

Let's Talk......Boat Creatures

We've taken a break from our "normal" blogging because Keith's been busy with other business. So, guess what? You get me again!
I've been trying to come up with a topic that won't interfere with the chronology of our blog and confuse the crap out of everyone. I thought, maybe, talking about boat creatures would be a "safe" topic.
No, I'm not talking the creepy, crawly things that can settle themselves into the bowels of a vessel (although I might talk about one way they can get there thanks to "other" creatures!). 
The creatures I'm talking about are our pets. One kind are our "family" - dogs and cats, for the most part. They are the ones that travel with you wherever the wind takes you. They are our companions, protectors and boat guards.
There is another group of boat creatures. They are temporary, for the most part, and only stay for a short time (an hour, a day, a week, etc). They hang out around your vessel. They are dolphins, manatees, stingrays, ducks, pelicans and any other creature of water or sky. 
We started out, after buying the Sue, with no boat creatures at all. We were still driving team coast to coast and pets just weren't in the picture at that time. But, in 2009, we got back our dog after the passing of my mother. So, let me introduce you to Peaches.
Peaches is a Toy Poodle originally owned by Keith's mother (the namesake of our vessel). We're not sure when Peachy was born, but our best guess estimate is somewhere around the Spring of 1998. 
Peaches has had quite the life. She was born in a puppy mill and came to Susie from a person who treated her "unkindly". In her lifetime, she has lived in the mountains, desert, small towns, and big cities. She's traveled all over the country with us in the truck, visiting almost every State in the Union. She's been in weather as high as 114 degrees and as low as -9 degrees. Now, at the approximate age of 16, she has sailed the Gulf Coast with plans to continue her life's adventure to the end.
I think the most extraordinary thing about Peachy is her comforting nature. Her personality, body language and expressive eyes had brought great comfort to not only Susie in the last years of her life, but to my parents as well. Even now, with poor eyesight and hearing, arthritis in her back legs, and only a few teeth remaining, she will sit in Keith's lap (or mine) and cuddle up while showing you her love and gratitude. It is absolutely amazing.

On my next post, I'll talk about our "terrible twosome' - brother and sister tuxedo cats we brought home to keep Peachy company (or drive her crazy).

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