Second Time Around
Well, my grand idea of Keith and I writing a blog together has pretty much bit the dust. All attempts at dragging him to the computer to write his share of the blog failed miserably. So, I guess, now I will be doing this blog all by my lonesome (this is a good time to head out if you only read this for Keith's posts).
We have now been in the Keys for eighteen long months. It's not a really bad place to be for so long, but I am getting real ansy to get out and continue this trip. Really.....honest.....truly.
So, I came upon a bit of good fortune, and convinced Keith that we were ready. So, with fingers crossed, it looks like we will be leaving soon. Can you see this first mate doing the happy dance?
I have already begun trying to get the cabin in order before we start again. How we managed to accumulate so much junk is beyond me. We didn't leave Texas with this much junk. I cleared out a ton of that crud from the port side in the salon - piles of stuff that would get tossed on the settee for lack of a better place to put it. I also convinced Keith to junk the old dorm-size refrigerator he bought a few years back. It had stopped working, so we used it to store extra stuff for the galley. I junked or re-distributed the galley stuff and got Keith to take the frig ashore and trash it. It is amazing how much roomier the salon looks now.
I also got Keith to dump all of the old charts that he bought from a friend a couple years ago. Some of them were 20 or more years old! We had stored them behind the port settee, but now they are gone, and I have all of that wonderful space to use for something more worthwhile.
I also cleared the shelf above the port settee, taking all the books, cruising guides, etc. down, cleaned, and re positioned the tv and dvd player so that I could put all of the dvd/cd's on the shelf, too. These are in plastic shoe boxes, and were previously stacked on the floor. It's not perfect, but it does look better.
I know I probably won't be done with all of this before we leave, so I'll just have to keep it going as we keep going until it's all done.
So, I hope soon that I will have new stuff to write about, and new pics to post of different places, peoples and events. Soon....I hope.....soon.