So, we passed the crisis, and we are now back on track.
Looking back on these many drag out arguments, I can honestly say that I have no advice, at the moment, for anyone on how to resolve conflicts or avoid them altogether. Living in such close quarters and being around one another 24/7 is bound to bring on that feeling of "a bit too much". But, like any other couple, we just have to muddle through it.
So, as I try to get Keith to blog again on this blog, you will have to put up with my ramblings.....again. At least every few blogs. Because, until he starts blogging, I'll be posting various video's that I've taken over the years of our various sails and such on the Sue.
The previous post is the first one.
FYI - I posted another link to a new blog on Sailblogs. The previous one was member deleted (although, I think you can still view it) and I had to open a new member account to continue from the first blog. Sorry 'bout that folks. It's the fun of internet technology.